Here are 6 tips from the 'Mastering Motivation' chapter in my book, 'Mind Over Muffin Top".

1. Accountability: Tell your friends, family and co-workers the goals you have for yourself. Even better – find a workout buddy. Studies have shown that people who have workout buddies; are more consistent in their workout routines and get better results.
2. Vision: The key with goals is to have a vision of success, as it creates hope. You
take the vision of what you want to believe and make it a reality. Our mind can't tell the
difference between what we think versus what we see.
3. Put it in Writing: Want to actually achieve your goals? Then write them down! Putting your goals in writing helps you clarify and commit to them, and holds you accountable for actually making them happen. Plus, there's something about seeing your goals on paper that makes them stick in your subconscious mind and motivates you to make them a reality. So, grab a pen and paper and start making those dreams a written reality!
4. Schedule It: Get a calendar or planner and use it specifically for scheduling and planning your workout days and what you're going to do. When it's written down and you see it, you're more likely to stick to doing it.
5. Celebrate Wins: When you accomplish your goals, reward yourself. You want to reinforce the positive changes you’re making to help with that positive momentum and keep your motivation high.
6. Turn on the Tunes: Research has shown that music h been successfully used to improve moods and overall happiness. Music increases the release of dopamine, which regulates motivation and goal-oriented behavior.
Your coach, Cheryl Keaney